FR. 2 – Chapitre 7
Chapitre 7:
On fait les magasins?
Les Objectifs
1. We will tell what happened.
2. We will describe circumstances.
3. We will tell what will happen.
4. We will wonder what will happen.
Verb Flip Chart – Flip Chart
Quizlet Flashcards:
Vocabulaire 1
Vocabulaire 2
Quia assignments to come
Les Vidéos
Le passé Composé ou l’imparfait
For more information: Imparfait vs. passe compose Fr. 2
être en train de…
Le futur
Le Projet
Our project for this unit will be to tell about our childhood memories. You will choose THREE different things to talk about, it could be a memory from when you were 5 or 10 or from this past Spring Break. You will use VoiceThread to add an image of each memory, then tell your story. Remember that both the imparfait and the passé composé will be used to tell your story.
Scoring Guide_Mes Souvenirs d’enfance
Pour le brouillon : Amy Lenord’s Awesome PC Imparfait chart (the same rules apply for Spanish)
Révision 7-1 PLEASE NOTE: You must follow the directions at the bottom of this handout in order to get credit for the quia games (for the vocab and être en train de)—If you don’t log in, I can’t see your work!!
Here are some sentences that you should study: la tortue